Damn Interesting Daily Digest

2-2 minutes

What is the rarest mineral on Earth?

From livescience.com

Is modern life ruining our powers of concentration? (see also)

From theguardian.com

Study Shows How The Universe Would Look if You Broke The Speed of Light, And It's Weird

From sciencealert.com

There's no GPS on the moon. NASA and ESA have to fix that before humans return in 2 years.

From yahoo.com

Video: Earth currently experiencing a sixth mass extinction, according to scientists [13:16] (see also)

From youtube.com

This gorgeous spiral galaxy spotted by Hubble telescope is a yardstick for galactic expansion

From space.com

Three centuries after it was rediscovered, Royston Cave remains one of Britain's most mysterious places

From bbc.com

A Drug to Treat Aging May Not Be a Pipe Dream

From wired.com

Possible naked-eye comet will visit Earth for 1st time since Neanderthals in 2023

From space.com

Technology Is Saving You From Profound Levels of Boredom And It's a Problem

From sciencealert.com

Newfound kind of supernova can tear apart a planet's atmosphere

From space.com
