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How the Nazis Infiltrated the American Secret Agencies

Hdogar 4-5 minutes 2/11/2023


Photo on Unsplash by Kristina FlourPhoto byKristina FlouronUnsplash

During world war 2, the CIA was very particular about hiring multiple Nazis as spies for the United States and its agencies such as the FBI and CA. The number of Nazis hired are not a for sure number but they were around 1000s.

Who were the Nazis?

The Nazis were a dominant political party in Germany, also known as the Nationalist German Social Workers Party (NGSW) which got highly popular during the 1930s. The party was not liked amongst the international actors as it was led by Adolf Hitlor whose main ideas and manifesto surrounded the ideas of racism, nationalism and anti-semitism. The Nazis were also very class centric and were very racist in terms of preferring the Aryan class. They wanted to create a state free of Jews. Hitler established mechanisms that supported such violence against other cultures and religions which made his regime under immense light. He basically divided these groups and termed them as “holocausts” over which he would torment and persecute.

In his regime there was no free voice and people would have no say in the running of their country. It was just his extremist measures and brutal policies that further instigated World War 2 as well. He was the pioneer in introducing WWII by taking over Poland and was able to gain much control over Europe. The war ended in 1945 after the embarrassing defeat of Germany. However, his regime is a good way to remember the atrocities that accompany abuse of power.

What was the Cold World War?

It can be considered as a state of massive tensions between the Western Powers and the Eastern powers such as the Soviet Union. This was more a war between the U.S. and the Soviet Union. Both the nations not only fought for power but also were pretty disintegrated about the ideologies of the nations. The US was known to be very capitalistic and democratic while the Soviet Union preferred a communist and socialist ideologies.

This also led them to build up on stocks and ammunition. The War also ensured that the countries were able to stock up on nuclear ammunition. The Cold War was a period of tension between the United States and the Soviet Union and their allies during the Cold War from 1945 to 1991. The two superpowers of the time were competing with each other for global dominance and control over the world’s natural resources.

When Did the Cold War End?

On December 26, 1991, President George H. W. Bush signed the “Treaty on the Final Settlement with Respect to Germany” formally ending the Cold War.

The Cuban Missile Crisis occurred on October 22–28, 1962, involving a series of dangerous confrontations between the United States and the Soviet Union during the Cuban Missile Crisis. The United States and the Soviet Union had been secretly developing nuclear weapons since the end of World War II and the Soviet Union deployed missiles in Cuba that could reach the United States. As tensions rose between the two countries, President John F. Kennedy prepared to take military action against Cuba if the Soviets did not remove the missiles from their island nation.

How Were the Nazis Involved

The Nazis were able to infiltrate by ensuring a place in the operation paperclip by the US. This was done to ensure that the US was given more power than its enemies. Regardless of their individual records, the U.S. government's choice to hire former Nazi officers was divisive and has drawn heavy criticism. A cautionary tale about the risks of abandoning moral and ethical ideals for temporary rewards, it is still a terrible chapter in American history. However, no one can fully claim that the US was involved in the process.