www.boredpanda.com /problems-society-illustrations-daniel-garcia-part-5/

My 30 Illustrations Show What’s Wrong With The World (New Pics)

Daniel Garcia 5-6 minutes 1/16/2024

We're already a few days into 2024, but I wanted to take this opportunity to look back at the previous year: globally, 2023 was not great for many people around the globe, with the continuation of the Ukrainian-Russian War and the reignition of the conflict in Gaza, claiming thousands of innocent victims. July was the hottest recorded month ever, which doesn't forebode well for our future. New developments in AI technology have increased the discussion of its economic and ethical ramifications.

On the plus side, WHO finally declared the Covid-19 pandemic no longer a global emergency, and major artist groups striked for better work conditions in the US.

For the last 10 years, I've collaborated with many publications and companies around the world, mostly focusing on political, social, and human issues.

I'm always producing new stuff, and after the success of last year's posts in Bored Panda, I've decided to show you a selection of my best works from 2023.

As always, I'd love to know about your own questions; maybe I can do a drawing about it!

What do you think is wrong with the world nowadays? Let me know in the comments!

More info: Instagram | danielgarciaart.com | Facebook | twitter.com

Soulless A.I

I've been doing editorial illustration for 10 years now and, although I draw a wide range of subjects, current events are always present in my work. I especially like the human angle behind all the big, self-important political and ideological words and personalities. I happen to live in a country not far from Ukraine and have been able to witness the huge number of refugees fleeing from the war. We are talking about millions of women, children, pets, displaced, families broken because of the whims of a few. On a broader scale, climate change affects us all and will have an increasingly physical influence on our lives in the next few years. If nothing is done, we will have to live (or die) with its consequences.

Women Of Iran

World Cup Washing Machine

War is always a very complex subject and no matter how many pretty words and selected facts you use to justify it, there is always the human suffering of innocent victims caught in the middle from both sides. Like many things in life, it's a battle between those in power at the expense of the powerless. I prefer to take the side of the powerless. On the other hand, no matter how hard you try to be neutral, people will still criticize or insult you for it. We always like satire until it affects us personally; then it's not funny anymore. It's just a matter of perspective.

Happy Holidays And Peace On Earth

Alzheimer's Disease

I have done several illustrations on environmental issues. The climate crisis grows more urgent every year, but governments and businesses don't seem much interested in solving the issue. With July 2023 being the hottest recorded month ever, I did an illustration of humankind being rowed to the realm of the dead by Charon, leaving Earth behind. That's what will happen to us if we keep on the path of greed. In my opinion, our only option is to take economic action and boycott polluting companies, as I'm afraid simple protesting won't do.

Global Warming, Leave Everything Behind

Women Chains

New developments in AI technology have increased the discussion of its economic and ethical ramifications. Although AI can be used as a tool for artists, I fear it will mostly be used by greedy corporations and clients willing to sacrifice creative solutions for bland, soulless content, as long as it saves them a few bucks. Personally, I don't use AI. Political and social illustration is very conceptual and you at least need a human to come up with a clever idea... or you rip off other people's concepts. I'm for regulating this new technology and protecting artists' works from being used to train the algorithm without their permission, but since everything is still in the beginning, it's difficult to know how all of this will unfold.


Buying Time

Art can be used for many things, and raising awareness of problems and injustices in the world is one of them. Think of it as good journalism: without information and public scrutiny to hold them back, people in power would have free rein to do the worst things imaginable and cover them up with propaganda and nice PR.

It's arrogant to think art can solve world problems, but it can reflect and ignite what people already have in their hearts and point them in the direction of action and change.

Men's World

Bone Cancer In Children

Earthquake In Turkey And Syria

The Coronation

Get Out Of Social Media

Financial Fraud

Diversity In The USA

Happy Holidays

Hate Speech

Sleep And Health

A.I. And Jobs

Racism In Sports

Heart Health


Tech Giants' Fall


Pregnancy And Covid-19

Living With Diabetes

Saving For Retirement

Child Cholesterol

Tech Wars

Note: this post originally had 32 images. It’s been shortened to the top 30 images based on user votes.