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Trump Is Starting To Look Like A Voodoo Doll

Joseph "Murfster35" Murphy 5-6 minutes 8/2/2024

If it wasn’t so about f*cking time, this would be almost hard to watch. It’s one thing to talk about somebody being in the middle of a circular  firing squad, But when the dude starts to look like the character Pinhead in the Hellraiser movies, it can almost put you off your lunch.

Lets just take a quick tour of the almost insane number bloq gun darts Traitor Tot has taken in the last 10 days. This will come in two parts, so you’ll have time for a potty and smoke break;

When you think about it, it’s almost otherworldly. For the past four years, if Biden committed one gaffe in a week, the calls were out to put a muzzle on him! But by the time I finish the second category, El Pendejo ex Presidente will be approaching, if not surpassing a bakers dozen.

And this category is actually far worse for Il Douche, mainly because they’re acts of personal betrayal from his allegedly loyal minions;

It took forever to get here, and sometimes it seemed like it never would, but here we are. The Desolation of MAGA. These craven, cowardly dipsh*ts have spent the last eight years following Trump around like Little Bo Peep. And now, with the sudden mid campaign transfer of power from Biden to Harris, and Trump’s campaign flying off the rails, the scales are finally falling off of their eyes.

This wasn’t supposed to happen! This was supposed to last forever! Their graven idol kept promising them so. And now it’s starting to look more and more like their Fuhrer will be measuring orange jumpsuits instead of the Oval Office drapes, any thoughts of holding the House are now a long gone fond memory, and now, with Harris surging both nationally as well as in battleground states with Democratic Senate incumbents running, a Harris government with total control isn’t such a pipe dream anymore. And they’re confused, demoralized, and pissed off.

I had originally thought that if Biden were reelected in November, that’s when the great GOP civil war would break out. Now I’m not so sure that we’ll even make it to Labor day. When the realization really sinks in, it’s going to be every MAGAt for himself. And some of these MAGAt’s are already starting to look lilke sailors dressing up in women’s clothes to get a seat in a lifeboat on the SS Trumptanic. Don’t touch that dial.

I thank you for the privilege of your time.