Editorial Cartoon by Graeme MacKay, The Hamilton Spectator – Thursday December 1, 2016The world according to Trump, and the peril of isolationismWe have yet to see the shape of Donald Trump’s foreign policy. But as we wait, so do nervous leaders across Europe, Latin America, Asia and Africa. With his arrival in the Oval Office, American alliances and policies forged over decades may well be in play. Meanwhile, in Moscow, President Vladimir Putin smiles at the election outcome. Hmm.That would be worrisome enough if the U.S. role in geopolitics would start from scratch on Inauguration Day. It won’t. President Barack Obama already has reduced America’s global involvement and influence. That backward lean is a key reason why Trump will inherit so many foreign policy predicaments.An America that on his watch slips further to the sidelines, an insular America that regards trouble on the other side of the world as someone else’s problem, would risk eroding diplomatic partnerships and defense pacts. That would imperil American interests overseas and at home: Conflicts elsewhere often make themselves felt here. Witness the Islamic State-inspired attacks in San Bernardino, Calif., and Orlando, Fla. Or remember 9/11. (Continued: Chicago Tribune Editorial) http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/opinion/editorials/ct-trump-foreign-policy-obama-putin-russia-edit-20161110-story.htmlThis cartoon was colourized from the same image published on September 13, 2001. http://mackaycartoons.net/2001/09/13/thursday-september-13-2001/USA, maps, wall, isolationism, isolationist, terrorism, security, America, 9/11, Donald Trump
Mark Zuckerberg unhitches his Facebook cars from the facts train leaving fake news and lies.