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1 Comment

  1. Fred Thornton
    May 29, 2024 @ 11:49 pm

    And…that is why I enjoy your blog. I bill myself as a “pragmatic idealist” which means I’m often found with a boot down in both camps… usually the mud, blood and beer of both… and the diversity you offer is worth a lot. What is truth remains true, and comparing the spin used trying to recruit the truth to any given point of opinion is a powerful tool we conspiracy theorists use in our efforts to discern the covert objectives of those who celebrate the polarized gridlock afflicting our nation.

    Or, to speak in analogy? There is a reason the cue ball on the 8-ball table of modern politics is always stark white… they can’t have the masses seeing what kind of english they’re using on any given subject, might start ’em thinking, and that could be a disaster to undue fifty years worth of hard work.

    Thanks for helping paint a checkerboard on that cue ball.

Watchman, what of the night?