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  1. Fred Thornton
    March 31, 2022 @ 1:34 am

    You’d think (well, maybe might think) that those who offer things like this article would be swift enough to actually see what they’re looking at, and speak to what they see. They do know what they’re looking at, the article proves that, and it also does a pretty good job of proving they can’t see a thing beyond the event horizon of their simplistic partisan political universe.

    None of the numbered arguments the author offers actually address the driving causes. They are all at best symptomatic, and most definitely presented with a large dose (freely admitted by author, points for honesty) of partisan bias. The actual driving force behind the phenomenon is a very simple comparison value carried forward across the generations-deep definition of what it is to be a conservative American.

    Once upon a time the catch phrase summarizing the conservative mindset was “better dead than red.” What it meant was that honorable death was preferable to being reduced to a communist, aka collectivist, life. The power point wasn’t really communism, not as such, the rejected concept was the concept of collectivism.

    What does it say about the modern American Left that the conservatives, who live on by and for their history, now consider the totalitarian realm of Putin’s Russia ( Russia, the first and original home of communism, the first association to the color “red”) as preferable to what they see of America in the grip of EAKP’s faux-Liberal control of the ruling Democratic Political Party? It says they, the conservatives, have made the comparison the faux-Liberal are now trying desperately to deny: that to be a modern fauxLiberal is to even more of a collectivist drone than the cold war bogey man of “communism” was ever imagined to be. The conservatives really could not imagine living communist, such knowledge was denied to them. But… they can see what living fauxLiberal is going to be like, and they’ve noticed how striking the similarities between the systems really are.

    It’s only a matter of time, and most likely not very much time, before the conservative camp changes their motto from ” better dead than red” to read BETTER BURIED THAN BLUE. At that point look to your rations and your weapons… it might be what you have, and how you choose to use it, is what will determine if you live or die.

Watchman, what of the night?